
Ariel Skelley | The Image Bank | Getty Images With age comes increased frugality. As people reach retirement age, it’s been common practice to get rid of what you don’t need, including personal items, extra expenses and oversized, hard-to-manage properties. For years, the average American retiree has charted a predictable course through retirement, choosing smaller,
bymuratdeniz | iStock | Getty Images That early withdrawal from your retirement account last year may have been a life saver. Now, it’s time to start paying the taxman. Most retirement savers did not take a distribution under legislation that authorized penalty-free early withdrawals amid the pandemic. However, for those who did, the majority (69%)
Supoj Buranaprapapong | Getty Images It’s always nice getting a raise, but it could affect your ability to save for retirement through your 401(k) plan. Highly compensated employees — those making more than $130,000 annually — may not be able to contribute the maximum to their tax-deferred retirement plan if their lower-paid colleagues aren’t diligently
Alistair Berg | DigitalVision | Getty Images Many jobless workers are about to find out they could owe federal and state taxes on their 2020 unemployment income. The news might be particularly unexpected for independent contractors and self-employed people who normally aren’t eligible for state benefits, but may have received Pandemic Unemployment Assistance through the