Why Kampot White Pepper Is So Expensive | So Expensive Food | Insider Business

Kampot pepper, grown in Cambodia, is so expensive because it’s considered the Champagne of pepper. In 2016, the European Union awarded pepper grown in this region a protected geographical indication. The taste of Kampot peppercorns is described as fresh, citrusy, fruity, and pungent. But these peppercorns don’t come cheap. Wholesale Kampot black pepper costs $15 per kilogram and white pepper costs $28 per kilogram. Online, it can cost over $100 per kilogram. Over 400 farmers grow this pepper, but climate change and competition from large farms could make it harder to earn a profit.

Intro 0:00
Protected Geographical Indication 1:19
Farming Kampot pepper 1:42
Tasting the pepper 2:51
Cooking with Kampot pepper 3:34
Losing half of the harvest 5:26
Sorting and processing pepper 7:37
La Plantation’s pepper farm 9:51
How price and production have changed 12:13
Continuing to farm despite challenges 14:00

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Why Kampot Pepper Is So Expensive | So Expensive Food | Insider Business

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